This information describes how the personal data of users consulting the FEGI S.r.l. websites is managed and processed. This information, provided in compliance with art.13 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 2003 (Personal data Protection Law), is only for this website owned by FEGI S.r.l. and not for any other websites consulted by the user through links over which the aforementioned company has no control whatsoever.
Computer systems and software used to operate the website, during normal operations, acquire certain personal data. In particular, this is:
Data supplied by the user
Registration data. When a user registers he/she can be asked to enter personal data to create an account and access website services. This data makes navigation and the supply of services requested easier. The data received can be combined with data coming from third parties.
User communication. The user may supply personal data by email or other kinds of electronic communication. This data, including communication content, is kept and managed to process and satisfy the user’s requests, and to improve services offered by the site Owner. Data supplied and the email address may be used to communicate with the user about services and products offered by the site Owner.
Navigation data
Log information. This information is recorded automatically by the server. For example, it enters the IP address, its iteration with the website, browser requests, request time, web server answer status and other parameters concerning the user’s operating system and computer environment. This information is collected anonymously but, due to its nature, can be associated with identified interested parties enabling user identification. Please note that this data can be used to ascertain responsibility if any crimes are committed against the FEGI S.r.l. website or others connected to it. Besides this possibility, said data is cancelled within just a few days.
Personal data connected to web services is processed both automatically and otherwise and only for the time strictly needed to fulfil the purpose it was collected for. The Process Controller has drawn up specific security measures to prevent loss of data, it being used illegally or incorrectly and unauthorised access. Personal data is processed on the Controller’s premises.
Personal data collected by the interested party directly, or c/o third parties, can be processed for the following purposes:
– Fulfilment of obligations in laws,regulations or other provisions also issued by Authorities legally authorised to do so;
– Promotion and sales of the Owner’s products and services, made by ordinary correspondence, advertising materials, email, automatic communication systems;
– Customer satisfaction surveys and public relations activities.
Except for navigation data and data processing required to fulfil legal obligations, the user is free to supply personal data or not when requested to do so in specific website sections. However, not providing said data could make it impossible to obtain what was requested.
The Controller of data processing is:
Social reason: FEGI MANIFATTURE srl
Fiscal Code and VAT number: 00684270671
Economic and Administrative Index number: Teramo n°88803
Legal head office: Largo Brodolini – 64015 Nereto (TE) – IT
Cap.Soc. 1.352.000,00 euro i.v.
Phone: +39.0861.80621
In compliance with art. 7 of the personal data protection Law, data subjects have the right to be informed of whether their data is being held or not at any time, to be informed of content and origin, check that it is correct or ask for it to be integrated, updated or rectified, request it be cancelled, made anonymous for blocked if processed violating laws in force. The data subject may also oppose processing of his/her data for legitimate reasons. Any requests of this kind must be addressed to the Controller.